WWE Executive Wants AoP To Return

11/17/2023 2:21 PM

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WWE Executive Wants AoP To Return

WWE Executive Wants AoP To Return

November 17, 2023 2:21 PM
WWE Executive Wants AoP To Return
WWE News

AoP would be a welcomed addition to the roster...

WWE’s Senior Vice President of Live Events, Road Dogg discussed AoP on his Oh You Didn't Know podcast, and the WWE Executive is a huge fan of the duo, so much so that he wants the former WWE Tag Team Champions to return to the company:

“I’m a tag team guy… I love the dudes. I know they’re not twins, but for me you have twin magic in the men’s category, and they’re both big, huge guys, international dudes, that were really learning how to work on a high level down there in NXT with the teams they were working with, and the production rate at which they were learning. Holy mackerel, the sky was the limit. I’m a fan. I’d love to see those guys back.”

It was previously reported a number of months ago that the duo had been re-signed by WWE, but the two have yet to resurface on WWE programming.
