Why is CM Punk Returning at Survivor Series?

11/3/2023 5:45 PM

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Why is CM Punk Returning at Survivor Series?

Why is CM Punk Returning at Survivor Series?

November 3, 2023 5:45 PM
Why is CM Punk Returning at Survivor Series?
WWE News

WWE and Punk Both Have Plenty of Reasons

CM Punk will soon be back in the WWE, with many fans believing heā€™ll make his celebrated return at Survivor Series. However, why is Punk returning to the WWE? Letā€™s look at the reasons why the WWE wants Punk back and why Punk is willing to give it a second chance despite his stormy exit from the promotion.

Bringing CM Punk back is a risky move for the WWE and Punk. Thereā€™s no shortage of bad blood between the two. Some wrestlers canā€™t stand Punk and vice versa. Despite this, business is business and there are some incredible opportunities for both parties as weā€™re about to see.

Let's start with the WWE, which has every reason to believe it could get burned bringing Punk back. "The Straight Edge Superstar" left the WWEĀ on bad terms and he had two incidents in AEW, one which led to his termination. Despite this risk, the WWE must feel Punk's benefits outweigh his risks.Ā Let's examine what the WWEĀ may see as Punk's potential for helping it:

WWE Wants Its Fans to Forget Roman Reigns...For Now

If the rumors are correct, Roman Reigns is taking another long hiatus from the WWE after Crown Jewel, which means the WWE could benefit from something which gets the WWE Universe talking (especially about something besides why Reigns is taking another extended hiatus). Punk's return is bound to have fans talking and focusing on how things will play out on TVĀ as well as behind the scenes. Who will Punk want to wrestle?Ā Does he have an ax to grind?Ā Will he play a face or a heel?Ā There are many questions the WWEĀ hopes the fans will be asking when they hear Punk's entrance theme play.

WWE Wants to Stick it to AEW

Never underestimate just how important it is for the WWE to stick it to AEW. Yes, the WWE is crushing things in terms of ticket sales, merchandise, and ratings, but as long as AEW is in business, the promotion is an irritant to the WWE. Bringing Punk back to the WWE will give Punk a chance to vent on AEW and if he can succeed, the WWE can boast that hey knew how to use him well without the headaches he caused in AEW.

WWE Wants to Keep Things Fresh

A common reason for not bringing Punk back is that the WWE doesnā€™t need him. Fans and pundits have questioned why the WWE needs him when itā€™s doing so well commercially and critically. The adage ā€œif it ainā€™t broke, donā€™t fix itā€ doesnā€™t apply here because one of the elements of pro wrestling is to keep fans guessing and to keep things fresh. Granted, both the WWE and AEW have too many stars and both promotions fall into the trap of bringing in wrestlers only to have nothing for them to do. However, what are the chances that CM Punk will be sitting in catering? The WWE clearly has plans for him and if heā€™s used right, heā€™ll create fresh match-ups in the WWE, both with former opponents and wrestlers heā€™s never battled in the WWE.

WWE Wants to Make Merchandise Money

CM Punk is sure to spike ratings, both for TV and PLEs but thereā€™s another lucrative source of revenueā€”merchandise. Fans love to support their favorite Superstars by wearing their merchandise and Punkā€™s WWE return will lead to plenty of swag for fans to buy. Wrestling fans have seen some better-quality items over the last year or two, that is, clothing theyā€™re not embarrassed to wear in public due to cheesy designs. Factor in wrestlingā€™s overall popularity and the WWE should be able to move plenty of Punk products.

WWE Wants to Boost WrestleMania

WrestleMania is the WWEā€™s ā€œShow of Showsā€ which traditionally has meant the WWE does everything it can to make it a must-see event. 2024ā€™s show is more important than ever as it will be the first ā€˜Mania produced under the TKO-Holdings banner. Itā€™s also the first WrestleMania where Triple H has complete control over creative (at least if the reports of TKO-Holdings Ari Emanuel asking Vince to stay out of creative are accurate). Itā€™s unlikely the WWE is going to do any hotshot booking such as Vince McMahon did at WrestleMania 38 when he booked a title unification bout between WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and Undisputed Champion Roman Reigns regardless of the long-term consequences. What the WWE will do is make sure Mania is full of hot programs, high-quality matches, and two nights to remember. The bigger the stars, the better, and a match featuring Punk is a special attraction that fits the WrestleMania mold.

And what of Punk? Does Punk have any reason to want to return to the WWE besides a big payday? Punk left the WWE with a bad taste in his mouth and he hasnā€™t been quiet about sharing his thoughts on the way he was treated or how the company is run. So why would he want to return other than padding his bank account?

CM Punk Wants to Prove Critics Wrong

CM Punk had a golden opportunity to prove his critics wrong when he returned to AEW. First, he had the chance to show he still had the skills to put on the high-quality matches his fans remembered for him. Second, he had a chance to prove he was a needle-mover. While Punk was somewhat successful in both areas (some fans felt he lost a step and/or his presence didnā€™t juice AEWā€™s numbers in the long run). his accomplishments were overshadowed by his backstage problems. Now, Punk has a chance to reconnect with his fans and show heā€™s still got it and heā€™s still relevant. That doesnā€™t mean heā€™ll succeed but this is a fantastic opportunity, particularly since the WWE is so hot right now.

Thereā€™s a New Sheriff in Town

One of the benefits of a WWE return is that Punk doesnā€™t have to deal with Vince McMahon in creative. Although there have been different accounts of how Triple H views Punk (and Punk has been outspoken in his criticism of Triple H), ā€œThe Gameā€ will likely do whatā€™s best for business and put aside any personal misgivings about Punk. Otherwise, itā€™s hard to imagine Trips wanting Punk back or Punk agreeing to be booked by someone with an axe to grind.

CM Punk Misses the Spotlight

Never rule out wrestlersā€™ love for the spotlight, something which has led to many wrestlers returning whether theyā€™re too old or theyā€™ve vowed never to work in a promotion again. By most accounts, Punk enjoyed his return to the ring in terms of wrestling and the fansā€™ reaction. Thereā€™s no doubt the politics and other workplace-related difficulties bothered him but then again, Punk has never seemed one to suffer fools gladly. That doesnā€™t mean heā€™s lost his passion for wrestling and a WWE return has potential.

CM Punk Wants His WrestleMania Main Event

We donā€™t know how long Punk will stay in the WWE (either in terms of contract length or whether he can stay in the WWE without a meltdown that prompts a premature exit) but heā€™s likely going to be around at least until WrestleMania. This creates a huge opportunity for Punk as he could finally headline WrestleMania, a goal he was never able to attain during his previous WWE run. If WrestleMania was just one night, Punkā€™s chances would be slim but with ā€˜Mania being held over two nights, Punk has a better chance at headlining ā€œThe Showcase of the Immortals.ā€

CM Punk Has Some Fresh Opponents

Just as Punk wants a return to the spotlight, heā€™s likely excited about the opportunity to wrestle opponents heā€™s never worked with before in the WWE. Itā€™s likely Punk will revisit some past programs with previous sparring partners but fans are likely to see some fresh match-ups, which on paper should please Punk, his opponent, and the fans.

Is CM Punk returning at Survivor Series? WrestleLamia believes itā€™s already locked in and the WWE (as well as Punk) have several reasons for making this ā€œnever say neverā€ situation possible. The WWE and Punkā€™s reasons may not play out as planned but this scenario should make for one of wrestlingā€™s most compelling situations in some time.

Photo Credit:Ā AEW

