Wade Barrett Says He Prefers Being A Commentator Over Being A Superstar

11/13/2023 9:18 AM

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Wade Barrett Says He Prefers Being A Commentator Over Being A Superstar

Wade Barrett Says He Prefers Being A Commentator Over Being A Superstar

November 13, 2023 9:18 AM
Wade Barrett Says He Prefers Being A Commentator Over Being A Superstar
WWE News

An honest and open interview from the former NEXUS leader...

Main roster commentator, Wade Barrett recently appeared on After the Bell, and Barrett discussed his role as a commentator. In a surprise twist, Barrett stated that he prefers his role as a commentator compared to being an in-ring talent:

“I love it. I’ve said it time and time again. I’m enjoying my time as a commentator more than I ever enjoyed my time in the ring, You’re really fortunate to get one career in this industry. I’m aware my in-ring run lasted a long time, had a lot of fun, scratched a lot of the itches I had, and achieved the majority of the things I wanted to achieve. But I would say this, you’re super, super lucky if you get a second bite of the cherry and get a chance to have another run, another career in this industry and be around this crazy wild circus that we have, you’re incredibly lucky.”
“At this time, I just have so much fun being completely in control of me. I’m not waiting for somebody in management to say, ‘Okay, wait, tonight you get to take on this guy.’ I’m not waiting for those opportunities that guys are constantly scrambling for. I know what my role is. I know every week I’m going to be sat next to Michael Cole.”
“I’m going to be calling the action. Occasionally I get to sit next to Kevin Patrick too which was a real treat. I like knowing what my role is. I also like the fact that I have no one to blame but myself. If I have a good night, you know what? I prepped really well. I thought about my angles and I nailed it tonight. If I have a bad night, once again, it’s my fault.”
“I’m not blaming someone in management. I’m not saying, ‘Why do they keep making me compete against that guy? Why do they keep, you know, not giving me the prime opportunity?’ So it’s all on me now and I feel like sink or swim and with my personality type, I handle that a lot better than relying on other people to give me opportunities.”

H/T – EwrestlingNews
