The Deadman is venturing into the world of digital content...
WWE Legend, The Undertaker announced on his Instagram story that he has a new venture on Patreon called “Six Feet Under”. The project will allow fans access to exclusive content, and it’s heavily promoted as a Mark Calaway project, so this will be out of WWE’s control. The Patreon currently has three tiers, with prices ranging from $5 to $10 per month.
Discussing the exciting project on his Instagram story, The Deadman stated:
“Hey everybody... Mark Calaway, aka The Undertaker. I am really excited because I have been working on a project called Six Feet Under. So, what I need you to do is tap on that link. It is going to take you to my Patreon account. And there, you are going to receive exclusive content, not only of my wrestling career, my personal life, my views on things, just a whirlwind of all things Mark Calaway. So click on that link, go over to Patreon, and... check it out.”
Good luck to one of the all-time greats on his new venture.
H/T - F4WOnline.