Ric Flair WON'T Be Wrestling In AEW

12/24/2023 8:56 AM

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Ric Flair WON'T Be Wrestling In AEW

Ric Flair WON'T Be Wrestling In AEW

December 24, 2023 8:56 AM
Ric Flair WON'T Be Wrestling In AEW
AEW News

A relief to many, no doubt...

One of AEW’s more controversial signings in 2023 was the signing of Ric Flair.

Fans were quick to question why Tony Khan would sign Flair to a contract, and it later surfaced that Flair coming into the company was linked with a sponsorship deal AEW had with Flair’s energy drink.

When Flair signed with AEW, he embarked on several interviews with media outlets, and during these various interviews, the WWE Hall of Famer heavily hinted that he was going to wrestle again.

Thankfully, in Flair’s latest interview with The Wrestling Classic, The Nature Boy has confirmed that he has no plans on wrestling again:

“I like working, period. I’ve known Tony [Khan] for a long time. We’ve been great friends, and the opportunity just presented itself probably because of Sting. But I’ll be there, you know, a couple of years after Sting is gone, too, so I don’t know what it leads to. I’d like to manage my son-in-law [Andrade], and I want to be a heel again somewhere.”
“My health is good. I’ve been cleared. I can get in the ring. I’m not [going] to wrestle. Let’s clarify that. Got that subject worn out. But I just really enjoy it. Tony is a great guy, and it’s a great atmosphere, and when I walked into the restroom the first time, I didn’t realize how many guys from the WWE are over there. They’ve got a tremendous crew and Edge coming over.”

Speaking of The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, also during his interview with The Wrestling Classic, Flair discussed AEW World Champion, MJF.

Flair had nothing but praise for the talented star, and in a huge compliment, Flair outrighted stated that MJF could be the next Randy Orton:

"Well, number one, I think he’s [MJF] actually. He comes across as confident in real life as he comes across with his confidence in the ring, and he’s got a good interview,” Flair stated. He’s got a great look. He worked hard. I think he’s got the confidence in real life that he portrays on TV, and I think the future is unlimited for him, and he’s really good. He could be the next Randy Orton. That’s about as high a praise as I can give him.”

This is a bold yet flattering comparison, and this will no doubt lead to extensive discourse across social media platforms in the coming days.

Flair worked closely with Orton during Orton’s early-days in WWE, as the two made up 50% of the iconic Evolution stable, so if anyone can compare a wrestler to the legendary Orton, it’s certainly Flair.

H/T - WrestlingNews.co
