Report States Triple H's Big Announcement Doesn't Involve TNA Wrestling

1/3/2024 10:31 PM

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Report States Triple H's Big Announcement Doesn't Involve TNA Wrestling

Report States Triple H's Big Announcement Doesn't Involve TNA Wrestling

January 3, 2024 10:31 PM
Report States Triple H's Big Announcement Doesn't Involve TNA Wrestling
WWE News

What Is "The Game" Going to Announce?

A new report states Triple H's big announcement doesn't involve TNA Wrestling. This follows some white-hot rumors that the WWE and TNA Wrestling will work together in some capacity. WrestleLamia discussed the rumors in our recent news video (see below):

Triple H is scheduled to make a big announcement during the WWE's 2024 preview show on Peacock. The show airs on 4 January and the recent rumblings about a WWE/TNA collaboration have some fans thinking "The Game" will announce the rumored relationship on Thursday's show.

However, PWInsider is reporting that Triple H's announcement has nothing to do with any type of partnership with TNA Wrestling:

In asking around with WWE sources today, we are told there is absolutely nothing to the connection that some are making and that the announcement is not related to a TNA working agreement or anything related to that company.  It’s yet another case of people putting 2 and 2 together and assuming 1,000, no different than the assumptions last year that Saudi Arabia was buying WWE and other instances of people who act as if they know something assuming and being incorrect.

H/T Ringside News

That's not to say that PWinsider is being fed misinformation to keep a potential TNA-related announcement a secret. Fans have repeatedly seen news sites report denials on rumors (the biggest being WWE officials feigning ignorance about CM Punk's potential WWE return). However, there are several news sites with good track records, and this story could be 100% accurate. PWInsider has broken big stories before, and this may be another one.

What Else Could Triple H Announce?

There are many potential announcements that Triple H can make. Let's look at some possibilities:

  1. The WWE is creating a new premium live event (PLE) and/or holding one in another international venue.
  2. The WWE is finally launching NXT Europe
  3. The WWE is launching a new TV series
  4. The WWE is introducing a new title.
  5. The WWE is bringing The Rock in for a match.

There are many other possibilities. Even if the WWE is forging an alliance with TNA Wrestling, the timing for an announcement may not be right. It's also possible that the WWE has something it sees as more noteworthy for Thursday's announcement.

What If the WWE Announces a Business Relationship with TNA Wrestling?

What should fans make of things if Triple H announces an arrangement between the WWE and TNA Wrestling? Should fans laugh at news sites that reported otherwise or even consider them WWE stooges? The reality is that news sites can only report based on what their sources tell them and assess how reliable these sources have been in the past. Naturally, if a source constantly provides information that turns out to be inaccurate, it's probably time for new sources. It's also important to get more than one reliable source.

There's also the problem of sites that manufacture news yet report it as if it's been sourced. There's also the problem of so-called "journalists" who have no idea what the fundamentals of journalism entail.

Finally, there's the biggest problem of all when it comes to reporting on the wrestling industry: the industry's penchant for fooling everyone around the industry (at times, even its own wrestlers). Reporting on wrestling is not easy.

As always, the best course of action is to wait and see what Triple H has to say and to be skeptical about every story you hear.

What do you think Triple H's big announcement will be?
