Latest On The Drew McIntyre Situation

11/27/2023 8:45 AM

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Latest On The Drew McIntyre Situation

Latest On The Drew McIntyre Situation

November 27, 2023 8:45 AM
Latest On The Drew McIntyre Situation
WWE News

McIntyre has been the talk of the wrestling world this past weekend...

Following Survivor Series, numerous reports indicated that McIntyre stormed to the back, and proceeded to leave the arena. Due to these reports, it was instantly assumed that this was linked to Punk returning, as there seemed like no concrete reason for McIntyre to do this outside of being disgruntled regarding Punk’s comeback.

With that being said, thanks to footage from a fan in attendance in Chicago, it can clearly be seen that McIntyre stormed to the back BEFORE Punk made his return, and it’s also clear that McIntyre is being directed by a WWE cameraman. This likely implies that McIntyre is also working a storyline, and the reports of him storming out of the arena may be false, or at least, somewhat exaggerated.

Whilst this does seem to cast doubt on McIntyre being unhappy, a new report surfaced yesterday relating to McIntyre’s WWE status, and believe it or not, despite his heel turn, and push into the main event scene, McIntyre STILL hasn’t re-signed with WWE. PWInsider reports:

“We are told that currently the two sides haven't entered into deep discussions about a new deal.  WWE's stance has been that there is a lot of time to still negotiate. We have heard of late that McIntyre has told those close to him that he is more than willing to let his current deal lapse if necessary and take a break for his family as they recently suffered the loss of his wife's sister.  We are also told that McIntyre has long stated to those he's friends with that he'd like the chance to spend some extended time back in Scotland, as it's been many years since he's had the chance to have more than a quick visit with his family there as he lives full-time in the United States.”

The report then states that McIntyre could put his family first:

“We are told that McIntyre is more than willing to let family come first over a new contract if there has to be a choice of one or the other, but with five or so months to go before the end of his current deal, there is still time to the two sides to work something out - and there's been no signs of any negative issues between WWE management and McIntyre.”

As always, we will keep you posted on any developments relating to this rather interesting story.
