Lacey Evans: Vince McMahon Is F*cking Awesome

12/15/2023 11:44 AM

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Lacey Evans: Vince McMahon Is F*cking Awesome

Lacey Evans: Vince McMahon Is F*cking Awesome

December 15, 2023 11:44 AM
Lacey Evans: Vince McMahon Is F*cking Awesome
WWE News

Evans is a fan of her former boss...

Former WWE star, Lacey Evans recently appeared on Insight with Chris Van Vliet, and Evans discussed a range of topics, including her thoughts on her former boss Vince McMahon:

"So when I was in WWE, and I'm looking around at what I thought my life would be, and not only the difference that I could make in people's lives, but it's like, Man, I've given my husband the shtty end of the stick here. Like, you know, he loves me, and he supports me to the fullest, but like, where are all of our babies at? Where is all the little sound of feet on our hardwood floors and the smell of bacon in the morning? And instead, we're on a plane at 3:30 in the morning heading out. So I went to Vince and I said, Hey, sir, I'm not being used. And I want to have a baby. So I won't if you plan on using me, I'll stand by. I said it's COVID it's like I'm not being used. And he kind of got quiet and he said go have a baby. And I said are you sure? I made sure because that man is fcking awesome. He has done a lot for me and my family. And I was just very thankful to be in that room having that discussion and having that opportunity in WWE, right? Life-changing money, blah, blah, blah. And I'm in a cool experience…”

Evans continued by saying:

“So when he said go have a baby I said are you sure? Like I could wait you know, it's not like I'm waiting 10 years like you tell me. He's like No, go have a baby. Just promise me you'll come back, and I said I'll be back six weeks after I push this motherfcker out, if I could just go at least give husband one more quickly. So that was the game plan. I wasn't being used and next thing you know talent creative goes Oh, you're gonna be with, you know, Ric Flair and Charlotte and I'm like, What the fck? It was wild. But me being the motivator? I'll show up. I'll do the best and keep rocking and rolling. Well, I'll be damned if a week before I was supposed to get the title. I have my baby. And it was the best feeling in the world that my husband now has another child that he's about to hold in his arms in nine months and nobody could take [it away]. So a lot of people say and I ruined my career and this and that. But this morning when I woke up and saw that little sh*t looking at me with a big smile on her face and my husband waking up in stride. You can't tell me I ruined anything. I got exactly what I wanted and I'm very thankful and blessed that I have the life that I have."

H/T – WrestlingNews.Co
