Is Thunder Rosa Returning Soon?

12/15/2023 10:17 PM

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Is Thunder Rosa Returning Soon?

Is Thunder Rosa Returning Soon?

December 15, 2023 10:17 PM
Is Thunder Rosa Returning Soon?
AEW News

Long-Absent AEW Star Talks Comeback

Is Thunder Rosa returning soon? AEW fans have been asking when the former AEW Women's World Champion would return since she went out with a reported back injury in August 2022.

Rosa (aka Melissa Cervantes) recently chatted with The San Antonio Express about her long-awaited return, suggesting it could happen when AEW returns to Texas. She talked about how she was hopeful when AEW came to Oakland. While Rosa was reportedly backstage, she didn't appear on TV. However:

“There was hope ‘Maybe I can do it in Oakland.’ It’s in God’s hands right now. If it’s in God’s hands, I return on December 23. I think that would be such a blessing. I would be doing it again in front of my people. People that have been with me throughout this whole entire journey, the good and bad moment. What better way than to repay them with a happy moment. At the end of the day, I return, and life has given you another opportunity to do something you love is such a blessing.”

H/T Ringside News

A Long Road to Recovery

Rosa's road to recovery has been a long one. Last July, she spoke with Bleacher Report's Doc-Chris Mueller about her rehab:

"It's been a long road, I will say," Rosa said. "From the beginning, there was a lot of speculation about my injury. But I was always very clear and very honest about what was happening to me. Everything has been documented on my YouTube. It was physical and mental, all this rehab that I've been receiving.
"Some days were really positive, some other days were not as positive, but that's part of the recovery part of having an injury such as the one that I still have. Lately, there's been more of a bright light on it, because as my MRI read, I don't have the tears in my back anymore. And now I'm able to train without pain, with compound training, as well as I've been jumping in the ring in the last three weeks.

H/T Bleacher Report

An Asset to AEW's Women's Division

Thunder Rosa has been an asset to AEW's women's division since her debut in 2020. At the time, she was the NWA Women's Champion, which added an extra element to her matches. However, Rosa brought much more than a title with her. Her years of experience and exciting in-ring style (not to mention her exotic look) quickly made her into a fan favorite.

The highlight of Rosa's run in AEW has been her feud against Dr. Britt Baker. The two made history when they became the first women to main event an episode of Dynamite. Not only that, but their main event was a bloody and brutal Unsanctioned Lights Out Match never seen in women's wrestling on national television. The 17 March 2021 bout garnered praise and criticism due to its violence. However people felt, it was clear the two women were determined to break new ground in women's wrestling on the national stage.

Backstage Bickering Clouds a Championship Reign

Unfortunately, rumors of backstage bickering involving several AEW stars towards Rosa clouded her AEW Women's Championship reign. There were allegations about Rosa's injury ranging from skepticism that she was even injured to questions of how serious the injury was. Rumor had it that Rosa had heat with one or more members of AEW's women's division and at least one AEW women's star has subtly slammed her during interviews.

A Chance to Prove Herself

With any luck, Thunder Rosa will be back in action soon. AEW's Women's division will benefit from her return as she's one of the company's better workers and a popular star. Tony Khan needs to step in if there is any backstage heat on Rosa and resolve the matter. Otherwise, AEW could lose Rosa and it would set a bad example if a wrestler was forced out of a company by backstage bickering.

Would you like to see Thunder Rosa return? If so, who should she wrestle against? 

Photo Credit: AEW
