Does the WWE Want to Ruin WrestleMania 40?

1/20/2024 9:41 PM

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Does the WWE Want to Ruin WrestleMania 40?

Does the WWE Want to Ruin WrestleMania 40?

January 20, 2024 9:41 PM
Does the WWE Want to Ruin WrestleMania 40?
WWE News

How the WWE Can Ruin WrestleMania 40 with One Move

Does the WWE want to ruin WrestleMania 40? With this year’s WrestleMania already shaping up to be the most successful WrestleMania in WWE history, both in terms of business and storyline quality, the WWE suddenly seems to want to ruin everything with one stroke of stupidity.

The Greatest WrestleMania of All Time

WrestleMania 40 looks to be one hell of a show, judging from the rumors fans have heard. While no matches have been confirmed, the WWE has been dropping hints about what fans might expect. Furthermore, there are rumors that fans are hopeful will prove true. These include several dream matches.

CM Punk vs Seth Rollins: The current World Heavyweight Champion hasn’t held back with his disdain for CM Punk following Punk’s WWE return at Survivor Series. Punk’s wish to main event WrestleMania has fans thinking it will come true in the form of a title shot against "The Visionary." While this match suddenly seems in jeopardy following rumors that Seth suffered a torn MCL and partially torn meniscus, we may know soon whether Rollins can make it through ‘Mania.

Rhea Ripley vs Becky Lynch: The WWE has teased this match for over a year but kept the two Superstars apart with their individual programs. Rhea and Becky’s confrontation on RAW should dispel any doubts the match is happening at WrestleMania.

Gunther vs Brock Lesnar: As WrestleLamia recently discussed, this match has been discussed ever since “The Ring General” jumped to the main roster. While the WWE hasn’t dropped any hints about “The Beast Incarnate” battling the current Intercontinental Champion, many fans seem to have a gut feeling the match will finally happen at ‘Mania, beginning with a set-up at The Royal Rumble.

The Rock vs Roman Reigns: This long-rumored dream match appears to be possible. While there are questions about whether The Rock’s schedule will allow him to compete at WrestleMania (as opposed to say, Elimination Chamber or SummerSlam), it’s believed the WWE is confident it can happen at WrestleMania.

John Cena vs Randy Orton: Orton recently discussed his wish to wrestle Cena at WrestleMania. Factor in Cena’s statements that he’s planning how to wrap up his career and you have an instant dream match.

A new report in the 22 January 2024 Wrestling Observer states the WWE already has two major matches planned:

Seth Rollins vs. Punk is the confirmed WrestleMania plan. Reigns' opponent is expected to be either The Rock or Rhodes, or it could be a three-way.

H/T 22 January 2024 Wrestling Observer Newsletter

As fans know, plans go awry and based the rumors going around about Seth Rollins’ potential injury, Rollins vs Punk may be changed. While Rollins vs Punk may be out of the WWE’s control, it appears the WWE could make one of the biggest blunders in its history.

A Rare Quality These Days: Such Stupidity

Cody Rhodes is in a bad position. As discussed in our article, “Will a Roman vs Rock Dream Match Become Cody’s Nightmare?” Cody Rhodes could find himself bumped out of the spot he seemed destined for—a rematch against Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40. This would be Cody’s opportunity to finally defeat Roman after his year-long quest to climb back to the top of the mountain he’d been thrown off at WrestleMania 39.

If the WWE books The Rock vs Roman Reigns, it will create the dream match (at least on paper) it’s wanted for several years. While WrestleMania doesn’t need any further build, having The Rock put over Roman is reason enough for the WWE. Throw in the incredible mainstream publicity the match will generate, and it’s understandable, even if it throws out the WWE’s supposed policy of long-term booking, that they won’t change, even when there’s an unexpected development like LA Knight’s surge in popularity.

Although the WWE’s willingness to brush Cody aside for a Roman Reigns vs Rock dream match is understandable, it still puts Cody in a bad position. It also puts the WWE Universe in a bad position as a Reigns vs Rock match has only one outcome: Roman winning. The Rock obviously has no problem putting his cousin over, or he wouldn’t be doing the match.

However, only casual fans will think The Rock has any chance. Throw in uncertainty about whether The Rock can still go in the ring, and booking this match could end up being the biggest bad call since Goldberg bungled his way through a match against The Undertaker in Saudi Arabia.

However, Roman Reigns vs The Rock isn’t the biggest problem. Adding Cody Rhodes to the mix is.

Does Triple H Enjoy Drinking the Tears of Cody Rhodes Fans?

Piling on the Problem

Triple Threat Matches are tricky to pull off, and that's just one potential problem facing the WWE if it books Cody vs The Rock vs Roman. First, there is a significant portion of fandom that doesn’t like them, particularly when championships are at stake. Second, adding Cody to the mix will do nothing to enhance the match. Instead, it will be a distraction. Third, Cody is in a lose/lose position. Finally, there is the possibility that the WWE will do something stupid like have Roman pin both The Rock and Cody, much as it did with Daniel Bryan and Edge at WrestleMania 37.

Triple Threat Matches are incredibly formulaic, especially in the WWE. Fans know that three wrestlers will start off with one wrestler eventually being taken out, only to conveniently show up to break up a pin or submission attempt. Roman Reigns’ title defenses are formulaic enough. Just imagine how bad one will be if it’s a Triple Threat Match.

Adding Cody to the match won’t help things. It will be a distraction for fans who are there to see The Rock and fans who are there to see Cody. While there’s an advantage in having Cody around to help hide The Rock’s significant ring rust, this advantage is far outweighed by the disadvantages.

Indeed, Cody is in a lose-lose position. If he wins the title, critics will say he didn’t get a one-on-one win over Roman. This could lead to a one-on-one rematch between Cody and Roman, but WrestleLamia thinks it’s unlikely because the WWE already wants Roman to wrestle CM Punk. If Cody loses, he'll look like a prize chump for dropping a second WrestleMania match to Roman, even if The Rock takes the pin.

Finally, there’s the WWE’s continued obsession with building Roman up as the greatest wrestler of all time (albeit one with an asterisk that states he wrestled as often as eclipses). The idea of Roman pinning The Rock and Cody simultaneously (or some similar nonsense) has to have WWE fans cringing.

Cold Comfort for Cody

Should Cody Take Whatever He Can Get Title Wise?

A recent post-match promo from Cody has some fans thinking the WWE will give Cody a consolation championship. “The American Nightmare” talked with fans attending the 19 January SmackDown after he worked a dark match against Shinsuke Nakamura. Cody indirectly addressed the elephant in the room—the rumors that plans may change for WrestleMania. Rhodes didn’t mention The Rock or Roman Reigns, but it was clear he was talking about his rematch with Roman disappearing faster than a Drew Gulak push under Vince McMahon (remember Charlotte placing Drew in the figure-eight leglock?).

While this is speculation, Cody could find himself in the hunt for the World Heavyweight Championship if Seth can't wrestle due to injury. This would likely lead to Cody vs CM Punk, a match the WWE has hinted at recently but not over the title but over both men wanting to win The Royal Rumble and finish their story.”

However, can Cody “finish his story” by winning the World Heavyweight Championship? The WWE has spent the last year pushing the storyline of Cody wanting to do what his famous father couldn’t do—win a WWE world championship. Last year, there was only one world championship in the WWE following Roman Reigns unifying the Universal Championship and WWE Championship. However, even when the WWE created the World Heavyweight Championship on RAW, Rhodes hinted that the only belt that could fulfill his dream was Roman Reigns’ title.

Fans can debate whether winning the World Heavyweight Championship is good enough, but having Cody spend a year fighting his way back to WrestleMania 40 for a rematch against Roman(a plan which until recently seemed to be the WWE’s ultimate goal) only to pull the rug out from under him is a bad move (although to be fair, it’s better to have Cody win the World title than lose a second time to Roman).

What do you think of a Cody vs Rock vs Roman Triple Threat Match at WrestleMania 40? What about having Rhodes challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship instead of the Undisputed Championship? Should Cody fans be happy with whatever championship he can get?

