AEW Worlds End Real-Time Recap

12/30/2023 11:28 PM

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AEW Worlds End Real-Time Recap

AEW Worlds End Real-Time Recap

December 30, 2023 11:28 PM
AEW Worlds End Real-Time Recap
AEW News

Will MJF Prevail? Who is the Devil?

Time for your AEW Worlds End real-time recap as WrestleLamia looks at All Elite Wrestling's last pay-per-view of the year. It's been a wild year for AEW fans and tonight's show has 12 big bouts booked, including the highly-anticipated AEW World Heavyweight Championship defense by MJF against Samoa Joe. Be sure to check back as we update all the action.

AEW Worlds End is coming to you from Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York. , and tonight's show has 12 big bouts booked,

Zero Hour

Kris Statlander vs Willow Nightingale

The two friends start the show with a decent match. Willow uses her power advantage to dominate early but Statlander relies on mat wrestling to bounce back. Statlander stalls when she tries to match power with Willow. However, Statlander fires back with fast-paced strikes. Nightingale strikes back with a Pounce and a Death Valley Driver but can't get the three-count. Willow powerbombs Statlander on the mat apron then hits a missile dropkick for a near fall. Finally, Nightingale lands the powerbomb for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Willow Nightingale

Afterwards, Nightingale helps Kris Statlander up and hugs her.

A hype video airs for Serena Deeb

20-Man Battle Royal for TNT Championship Match (Winner Can Get Title Match at Anytime)

The majority of the competitors start the match outside the ring by going after Lance Archer and Killswitch, hoping to neutralize them. The Dark Order work together to eliminate as many opponents as possible. Unfortunately, Lance Archer recovers and returns to the match, cleaning house. Killswitch enters as well as the remaining competitors have to deal with two big men. Things come down to Trent Beretta and Killswitch but as the two battle on the mat apron, Killswitch lands the final blow, knocking Trent off and winning the battle royal.

Winner: Killswitch (Killswitch can have TNT Championship Match at any time)

FTW Rules Match for the FTW Championship. Hook (Champion) vs Wheeler Yuta

Hook starts off strong with brawling and judo throws. As the announcers point out, Yuta is a former ROH Pure Champion and the FTW rules are the polar opposite of ROH's Pure Championship match. The actions spills outside the ring. Yuta and Hook finally return to the ring, battling with weapons and alternating between traditional wrestling and fisticuffs. Finally, Hook grabs a hockey stick and clobbers Yuta, choking him out with Red Rum with an assist from the stick.

Winner: Hook

Main Show

Eight Man Tag Match. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson), Mark Briscoe, and Daniel Garcia vs Brody King, Jay White, Jay Lethal, and Rush.

This showcase match features the majority of the competitors in the Continental Classic Tournament and makes for some interesting match-ups. Not much tag team work except with The Blackpool Combat Club's Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson. All-out chaos. Jay Lethal goes for Lethal Injection but Daniel Garcia counters with a pinfall.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson), Mark Briscoe, and Daniel Garcia

Miro vs Andrade El Idolo (with CJ Perry)

Miro attacks Andrade but El Idolo fights back. Miro seems irate with CJ Perry for managing Idolo and the two engage in a shouting match. A back-and-forth match that spills outside the ring. Andrade throws Miro into the steel steps. CJ hugs Andrade. El Idolo goes for a moonsault but Miro rolls out of the way. However, Andrade lands on his feet and hits a standing moonsault on Miro. Miro fights back and locks in "Game Over" on Andrade. Andrade makes it to the ropes, saving himself from an apparent submission loss. CJ Perry taunts Miro as "The Redeemer" continues the fight. Andrade gets a near fall after a back elbow to Miro's head. Andrade locks in the figure four leglock. Andrade goes for the figure-lock but Miro reverses the hold. However, Andrade reverses the hold and bridges it, turning it into a figure-eight. Miro is in trouble. CJ Perry sneaks in and rakes Andrade's eyes. What's going on? Andrade is shocked and even more so when Miro delivers a big boot. "The Redeemer" locks in "Game Over" and Andrade taps.

Winner: Miro

After the match, CJ Perry blows Miro a kiss.

AEW Women's World Championship. "Timeless" Toni Storm (champion) with Luther vs Riho

The champion effectively keeps Riho from using her speed advantage for much of the match. Storm dominates until the referee sends Luther to the back after interference. Riho rallies and finally unloads with high-flying moves such as a flying bodypress and a 6-1-9. Dragon Suplex rocks Storm but Riho is slow to cover and Storm kicks out. Series of near-falls by both women. Riho goes to the top rope but Storm yanks her off the turnbuckle and hits a DDT for the win.

Winner: Toni Storm

Mariah May enters the ring to laud her idol, "Timeless" Toni Storm, with a bucket of rose petals.

Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) vs Dustin Rhodes

Note: Dustin is filling in for Keith Lee who has not been medically cleared to compete. Swerve attacks Dustin from behind and lays into the veteran performer (who made a rookie move). Swerve whips Dustin into the steel steps and is relentless. Prince Nana pulls a cinder block from under the mat apron as Nana holds Dustin's leg on it. Swerve jumps off the mat apron onto Rhodes' leg. Officials and medical officials come out to check on Dustin. Officials try to help "The Natural" to the back but he refuses to quit and starts the match. Rhodes can barely stand and Strickland punishes him, clearly using Rhodes to send a message to Keith Lee. Rhodes shows his decades of experience in mounting attacks that don't involve his injured leg. Powerslam out of nowhere and Rhodes gets a near fall. Rhodes is undoubtedly fueled by adrenaline as he goes after Strickland. Prince Nana jaws with the referee, allowing Dustin to kick Strickland in the nether region. Piledriver by Dustin followed by a Cross Rhodes for a near fall. Strickland shuts Dustin down with a kick to his bad leg. Half Boston Crab to Dustin. Swerve peppers Rhodes with blows while he maintains the hold. However, Rhodes grabs the ropes, forcing the break. Dustin flips off Swerve and spits in his face, driving Swerve into a frenzy. Strickland blasts Rhodes with two jump kicks. Dustin is nearly unconscious as Swerve jumps off the top rope and stomps Rhodes in the chest. Cover. 1-2-3 It's over.

Winner: Swerve Strickland

Eight-Man Tag Match: Le Sex gods (Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara), Sting, and Darby Allin vs Ricky Starks, Big Bill, and the Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs) with Don Callis:

It's all out action as fans get to see veterans throwing down with future main eventers. One of the match's highlights is when Darby Allin and Konosuke Takeshita throw down. The match goes back and forth until Sammy Guevara hits the GTH on Ricky Starks followed by a Shooting Star Press for the pinfall win.

Winners: Le Sex gods (Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara), Sting, and Darby Allin

House Rules Match. TBS Championship Match. Julia Hart (Champion) vs Abadon: The "house rules" is that biting is allowed. Also, a 20-count and no rope breaks).

Julia dominates until Abadon taps into her savage side, biting Hart and throwing her off her game. Abadon goes to the top rope but Julia follows her up and superplexes Abadon. Cover for a near-fall. Abadon goes to the top rope again but Skye Blue pops out from under the ring and throws her off. Abadon goes after Blue, giving Hart time to recover. Moonsault by Julia and a cover for the win.

Winner: Julia Hart

No Disqualification Match for the TNT Championship. Christian Cage (Champion) with Mother Wayne and Nick Wayne vs Adam Copeland: 

Copeland attacks Christian as Cage is walking down the entrance ramp and spends the next several minutes pummeling Cage in and out of the ring. Copeland chases Cage up the stairs as the champion looks to bail out. Copeland misses a Spear, crashing into the corner and finally allowing Christian to get some offense in. "The Rated-R Superstar" spears Christian through a table and goes for the cover but Mama Wayne pulls the referee out before he can make the three-count. Nick Wayne interferes again, giving Cage a breather. Killswitch on Copeland for a near-fall. Nick Wayne and Christian pull out a table and douse it with lighter fluid. Wayne lights the table but Adam fights off Christian and Nick Wayne. Copeland lights up the table and power bombs Wayne onto it. Chrisitan goes to clobber Copeland with the title but Adam blocks it and lands the Killswitch on Christian, covering him for the pin.

Winner: Adam Copenad (New TNT Champion)

After the match, Killswitch ambushes Edge, chokeslamming him through a chair. Killswitch is ready to cash in his TNT Championship match contract but Christian Cage asks him not to. It looks like "Captain Charisma" is asking Killswitch to give him the contract. Christian whispers something in Killswitch's ear. Killswitch hands it to Christian who cashes it in.

TNT Championship Match. Adam Copeland (Champion) vs Christian Cage:

 Christian waits for a woozy Adam Copeland to get to his feet and spears him, covering him to regain the TNT Championship.

Winner: Christian Cage (New TNT Champion)

Continental Classic Championship Final for the Triple Crown Championship: Eddie Kingston vs Jon Moxley

These men have battled many times before but they found a way to add a new spin to their match. A victory out of nowhere as Moxley trades chops with Kingston only for Eddie to surprise him with a spinning elbow, covering Moxley for the victory.

Winner: Eddie Kingston (inaugural Continental Champion and Triple Crown winner)

Jon Moxley hugs Eddie Kingston after the match.

AEW World Championship. MJF (Champion) vs Samoa Joe

A hype video featuring various Long Islanders praising MJF as "their scumbag" airs. Adam Cole makes his way to the ring on crutches. Apparently, he'll be in his best friend's corner. Joe bludgeons MJF throughout the match, repeatedly targeting the champion's injured shoulder. Joe hits a musclebuster, driving MJF's bad shoulder onto the mat apron. Cover for a near fall but MJF rallies as the hometown crowd cheers him on. Heatseeker on Joe and a cover for a two-count. Things begin to turn Max's way as he targets Joe's taped-up elbow. Will it be enough, though? MJF goes for a second Heatseeker but Joe tries to slip out. MJF rolls up Joe for a near fall. MJF then applies the Salt of the Earth. Joe counters and applies an armbar on MJF, looking for the submission. MJF makes it to the ropes, forcing the break. MJF accidentally (on purpose) bumps into the referee, giving him time to try some shenanigans on Samoa Joe. However, when MJF goes for the Dynamite Diamond ring, Adam Cole fumbles, giving Joe time to apply the Coquina Clutch and KOs MJF for the win.

Winner: Samoa Joe (New AEW World Champion)

After the match, the Devil’s minions rush the ring and grab MJF and Cole. The group goes to clobber MJF and Cole with a chair. The lights go out, revealing Cole is the Devil!

His henchmen unmask, revealing Wardlow, Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett.

AEW World's End Real-Time Recap

What did you think of tonight's show?

Don't forget to visit WrestleLamia's YouTube channel as we recap the show and provide our exclusive analysis as we look at the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.
